Libido Enhancement Articles


Find out what you can do to increase your sex drive. Don’t live with low libido, erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation! There are remedies – find out more below.

Kisspeptin hormone research

New treatment which can potentially boost sex drive

About Kisspeptin Kisspeptin is a hormone related to sexual desire in men and women. It is currently the subject of intensive studies in Britain, conducted by the NHS in conjunction...
Ladies struggling with low sexual desire

Ladies, are you struggling with low sexual desire?

What is low sexual desire? This is a loss of libido and a lack of desire to engage in sexual relations, which is the most common form of sexual dysfunction...
Sexual dysfunctionalities affecting men and women

An overview of 4 important sexual dysfunctionalities

There are countless causes of sexual dysfunction problems, but there are only four main categories that the disorder falls into. Here is a list of all 4: Physical causes, such...
How to keep your relationship alive

How to keep your relationship alive

Anger can damage your sexual desire Anger is one of the most powerful emotions that can be easily triggered, and often arrives uninvited and unexpected. Evidence of angry feelings and...
October 04, 2022