If there is no joy, should there be sex?

Married folk know that your spouse is a major influence in your life. Married couples can also have a serious influence on each other’s lives. A happy marriage can extend your life, and even lower the risk of all sorts of diseases, including cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Spouses who care about each other encourage a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating, regular exercise, and offer support during times of stress.

If the marriage is overwhelmed with stressful feelings, it can result in arguments, resentment, and a lack of communication, all which add to anxiety. Your immune system may be compromised, and you could fall prey to issues which can affect your health. This makes it difficult to focus on making time for intimacy, and sex often has to take a back seat.

Anxiety and stress symptoms may threaten your health if your relationship begins to breakdown, and antidepressant meds might be necessary to help you cope. These meds have side effects which often lead to low libido problems, which can escalate to extra stress.

Sex is not a responsibility

There are people in a marriage or a relationship who have the idea that they are responsible to provide sex to their partners, whether they feel like it or not. This often leads to boring sex, and some partners begin to believe that this is just the way sex is. The good thing is that sex does not have to get boring in a long-term relationship. As times goes by, experts agree that your sex life should improve as you and your partner get to know each other better, especially if the communication between you is good.

Counsellors have also noted that it is important for both partners to develop a mindset and behavioural changes, which will help you understand that sex is not a responsibility, but an encounter to be enjoyed by both partners.   

Here are some tips to help you keep your marriage and sex life alive and well.

  • In a marital relationship communication between partners is a key factor. It helps to build intimacy.
  • Share with each other your sexual desires, and what makes you feel good in the bedroom.
  • When life is hectic, take time to be affectionate outside the bedroom.
  • Both partners should try to be romantic in ways the other partner will appreciate
  • Try and control mood-swings. Being bad tempered and ignoring your partner all day will not result in a positive lovemaking experience later on.

Never compare your sex life to the exaggerated passionate scenes you see on TV or in the movies! The chances of emulating their actions may potentially be doomed to failure and disappointment. 

We can help

If you want to add some spice and excitement to your sex life – we can help!

Herbal Remedies International have taken some of the most powerful natural herbs recognised by science, and developed excellent formulas to enhance the sexual experience of men and women, as well as combat issues of low libido. Wonderful results have been achieved when you follow the directions.

Our products are safe to take and do not need a doctor’s prescription. Visit us at www.herbalremedies.co.za to view our awesome products, and see the wide range of issues we cover. We are here to help you.