Young women report personal distress related to sexual matters

5th Mar 2020| by Colin Katz
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International studies

Research conducted in various countries revealed that up to 50% of young women, between the ages of 18 and 39 who were interviewed, reported anxiety relating to certain sexual issues. This includes feeling stressed, guilty, embarrassed, or unhappy about their sex lives.

Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) may also include one or more of the following issues: a chronic lack of sexual desire, an arousal disorder, orgasmic problems, and pain during sexual intercourse. However, results showed that because of the complexity of the dysfunctional issues, a low sexual self-image is the most common reason for FSD.

About a low sexual image

Studies have suggested that a low sexual self-image may very well have its roots in feelings of low self-esteem which may be manifested in certain sexual issues.

Here are some ways a low sexual self-image can impact your sex life:

  • Feeling self-conscious or badly about one’s appearance can interfere with desire.
  • Negative self-talk because of low self-esteem issues also tends to distract from desire, as well as prevent you from staying present in the experience, which hinders you from focusing on pleasure and sensation during sex.
  • After consulting their doctors, some women reported a measure of dissatisfaction with the treatment they received. They maintain the doctor did not fully understand the issues, or simply brushed the problem away without offering any solutions.
  • Researchers have advised that there is a definite link between a sexual relationship and the quality of your relationship in general.

Distressing sexual problems are very common in women of all ages, and as everyone has the right to a healthy sexual function, women should be able to get information and help from competent medical professionals.

Psychological issues which may lead to FSD

Although a low sexual self-image is the main culprit leading to female sexual dysfunction, there may be other personal problems which are psychological in nature.

Here are some examples:

  • A women who is brought up in a strict home where sex is seldom mentioned, may develop an idea that sex is morally wrong, and carry that feeling into relationships or even marriage.
  • A woman with that kind of mindset will feel even more guilty if she happens to enjoy the sexual encounter.
  • Low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence, as well as unhappiness with your general appearance, will also put the brakes on desire and being sexually assertive, which can lead to lower sexual satisfaction.
  • Childhood sexual trauma which has not been resolved.
  • Anxiety and stress because of the way you feel, can cause you to avoid sex whenever and wherever you can.

Research has revealed that a poor sex life may lead to a lower quality of life for both partners. Mental issues can benefit from a trained counsellor, or even a hypnotherapist, who can help you create a new mindset, help with self-esteem, and change your attitude to sex in general.


Certain antidepressant meds have side effects that repress sexual desire. If you are concerned about this in any way, speak to your doctor and see what he can suggest.

Note that oral contraceptives are not associated with any form of female sexual dysfunction.

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