Outdated stories

In bygone days there was very little sex education available. Many young people, and even some mature folk, had to find their own way through the ins and outs of sexuality.

Unfortunately, some people still bring old stories they have heard when much younger, into their relationships without knowing the true facts about everything. Many of the stories were simply old wives’ tales, picked up and believed along the rocky sex road to maturity. Some people still hold on to these myths, in spite of the fact that in this modern-day, sexual education comes as a matter of course to everyone who wants it.

Are you holding on to some of the old stories?

Here are some of the myths that may be affecting your sex life:

  • Menopause decimates a woman’s sex drive. During menopause, the sex drive boosting hormones estrogen and testosterone do begin to decrease, but your libido will not vanish into thin air. Treatment to balance the hormones will help restore libido.
  • Men are always ready for sex and if not, you may think he has his eye on someone else. There are several things that can affect a man’s sex drive, ranging from emotional to physical reasons, such as stress, or a hormonal problem – all of which can be fixed.
  • Oysters and chocolates are aphrodisiacs. There are no studies that show that oysters have any sexually enhancing effects. Oysters contain a lot of zinc which is needed for healthy sperm, but it has not been found that oysters actually promote sexual desire. However, there are studies that have indicated that chocolate is linked to better blood flow, which may assist the penis with erections.
  • Men with big feet, big hands, and big ears, usually have a large penis. Absolutely not true. There is no good evidence to prove this story. There may be some genetic factors linking the size of hands and feet, but these factors could apply to small men as well. You cannot really tell just by looking at a man’s hands or feet how large his penis might be!
  • Condoms are for teenagers. The generation that grew up before the HIV and Aids epidemic still associates condom use with preventing pregnancy. This is still true today, but there are more uses, as unprotected sex is a very bad idea. Anyone who is sexually active needs protection. Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and genital herpes are very contagious and extremely difficult to cure.
  • Sex burns a mega number of calories. Studies have revealed that sex, unless it is extremely vigorous only burns about 80 to 100 calories in 30 minutes, not enough to lose even a small amount of weight. The benefit is that your sexual encounter does indeed qualify as moderate exercise, which is a benefit if you are not getting any other exercise.

These, and a host of other stories – some even more strange, have mostly come down through the generations, while others have circulated via word of mouth, or on the internet. If you hear something which sounds somewhat odd, don’t just accept it. Make sure that what you are hearing is fact and not fiction.

We can help!

If you are greatly troubled by a low libido or erectile dysfunction, we can help you.

Herbal Remedies International has taken some of the most potent, natural herbal ingredients which have been scientifically proven to enhance both women’s and men’s sexual performance and enjoyment, and developed a powerful formula to help combat low libido.

Our products are safe to take and do not need a doctor’s prescription.

For more information about these exceptional products log onto www.herbalremedies.co.za to see the range of issues we cover and find out how we can help you.