What is PMDD?

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a more severe form of premenstrual syndrome – PMS. PMDD usually affects women of child-bearing age. It is regarded as a chronic medical condition that needs attention and treatment from a medical practitioner. The exact cause of PMDD is not known, although some studies have shown that it may be an abnormal reaction to hormone changes which occur every time you menstruate. Apparently, the hormonal changes can affect serotonin, a substance found naturally in the brain, that helps to modulate the moods. 

Risk factors for PMDD

These include women with a family history of PMS or PMDD, and women with a personal history of anxiety, depression, or issues of post-partum depression. Further research has shown cigarette smoking over a long period of time may also be a major risk factor.

Symptoms of PMDD

The symptoms appear during the week before menstruation, and usually end within a few days after the period starts.

Symptoms include:

  • A state of feeling uneasy, unwell, and unhappy, which are not related to any underlying medical reason.
  • Mood swings manifesting as anxiety and depression, and sometimes also as unusual euphoria, all of which may interfere with your work life, or your daily life.
  • Lack of interest in previous activities once enjoyed.
  • Breast tenderness, and feeling bloated in the pelvic area.
  • Food cravings and increased appetite. Digestive upheavals.
  • Irritability, and anger with the people around you.
  • Concentration issues and forgetfulness of simple things.
  • Issues of low libido.

Sometimes the symptoms of PMDD may be confused with other conditions or medical problems, such as thyroid trouble. A thorough physical examination by a doctor is needed for an accurate diagnosis. It is also essential, if you have anxiety and other mood issues which disrupt your life, that should the doctor suggests a mental health evaluation by a therapist, you consider following his advice.

Some treatments for PMDD

This is a chronic condition which does need treatment. Several of the following treatment approaches have been shown to help relieve, or decrease, the severity of the PMDD symptoms.

  • Plan a new diet that will reduce sugar, salt, caffeine and alcohol.
  • A new diet should include protein and healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains and leafy green vegies – not the unhealthy carbs of unrefined flour items such as bread, rolls, cakes etc. Lean cuts of meat and chicken provide good protein.
  • Regular exercise is beneficial, as is a plan to avoid stressful situations, and reduce anxiety.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Vitamin supplements like vitamin B6, calcium and magnesium, are important.
  • Birth control pills to bring your hormones back into line will help to address hormone imbalances. These pills can also help to increase libido which may be at a low level.

Not all are the same!

Not all women have the same symptoms, nor the same severity of the condition. Studies have shown that the positive responses to treatment options also differ, with most women having a good response to at least one of the options on offer.

We can help!

If your libido is taking strain, we can help. Herbal Remedies International have taken some potent natural herbal ingredients, and developed excellent products to help combat the issues associated with low libido. The products are safe to take and don’t need a doctor’s script. Our super-strength natural, libido and mood-enhancing products will ensure that you will find a safe, natural solution to sexuality issues. Visit us at: www.herbalremedies.co.za and see the awesome number of products we supply, and the amount of issues we cover. We are here to help you!