About pubic lice

Pubic lice are extremely minute parasites found in the pubic hair of the genital area of humans. They infest the pubic hair and survive by feeding on human blood. Studies have shown that the lice are spread by sexual contact, and sometimes picked up from infested beds or clothing. The infestation is found worldwide and can affect anyone – no matter what class, race or gender.

The main symptom is extreme itching in the genital and pubic area, which causes frantic scratching that can even break the skin and cause an infection. The lice are also known as crabs, as they resemble minute crabs which can be seen with the naked eye.

Treatment is relatively easy, and the pharmacist can sell you lotions over the counter, or if you visit the doctor, fill out the script. These creams usually contain a powerful pesticide which kills the lice, and when the inflamed skin has healed, the itch will also be gone.

Any person that an individual has been associated with, must also be treated, especially sex partners. Bedding and clothing must be thoroughly washed with a disinfectant rinse to ensure that the infestation is properly eliminated.

Facts you need to know about pubic lice

  • You cannot pick up lice from toilet seats, as they cannot cling to the smooth surface. They can only survive on humans.
  • Pubic lice are not the same as head lice, as they are from a different species which only infest the pubic area.
  • It is not only unhygienic people who get pubic lice. Lice are not affected by water or soap, so no matter how hygienic you may be, you can still pick them up from sexual contact or infested bedding.
  • Pubic lice do not go away unless you get treatment to get rid of them, or you may get a skin infection from the continual feeding of the lice on your body.
  • You cannot get pubic lice from animals and birds.

Birds often have lice, but bird lice cannot live on humans. And human lice cannot survive on birds or furry animals like cats and dogs.

Lice are not able to jump from person to person. Remember that they can only be transferred by sexual contact or contact with infested bedding and clothes. Using a condom will not help, as the lice do not migrate to the sexual organs covered by a condom. Shaving the pubic area will also not help, as the lice can cling to any bits of hair remaining, and are still able to lay their eggs known as nits, which are prolific in number.

We can help

If the shock of an infestation of pubic lice has caused your libido to drop to a very low level, we can help. HERBAL REMEDIES INTERNATIONAL have taken some of the most potent natural herbal ingredients and developed excellent formulas to help combat low libido issues. Our formulas also work to enhance the sexual experience of men and women. We are here to help you find a safe natural solution to low libido concerns.

Visit us at www.herbalremedies.co.za to view our exceptional range of products, and see how we can help you.