The issue of low libido

While most people want a healthy and active sex life and to engage with their partners intimately, more and more people are having trouble doing this. A low libido in a woman generally means that she feels a decrease in the desire or drive for sex. While this is something that most women experience at some stage of their lives and that normally naturally resolves itself, for a growing number of women this is an ongoing issue that puts strain on their self esteems and personal relationships. The questions often arises: are there pills that women can use for low libido?

The reasons for low libido in womencan often be made up of a series of complex issues but there are certain chemical or medical solutions that provide welcome relief.

Causes of low libido

Women who are growing older will generally experience a decrease in their libidos. This can also be exaggerated by hormonal imbalances that might occur as a result of menopause. Birth control pills can cause a hormonal imbalance that can contribute to a lower sex drive. Diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and thyroid imbalances can also greatly diminish the female libido.

Then psychological and mental issues can also have an effect. Anxiety and depression as well as home and work issues have a direct affect on the adrenal glands. Low self esteem and negative body image mean that a woman does not feel good about her body and will probably effect her desire for sex too. If there is tension or conflict in relationships, her sex drive will also be reduced.

A herbal solution to low libido

While these are all important factors to explore, there are medical solutions that can assist with women having libido issues. Virekta Female Libido Enhancer is 100% natural and safe but delivers powerful results for women looking for an effective solution to their low libidos.

Here’s what women who have used this amazing product have experienced:

  • a 71% increase in vaginal lubrication
  • a 68% increase in overall relaxation
  • a 75% increase in orgasm frequency
  • a 89% increase in satisfaction
  • a 93% increase in libido

Try Virekta (F) – Female Libido Enhancer for a minimum of 90 days and see how effortlessly it will deliver these powerful results. It is so safe and effective it is endorsed by many medical professionals. Ladies, take back your sex life today!

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