What is obesity?

Obesity, or significant overweight, is a major health challenge all over the world, particularly in developed countries. Obesity leads to ill health and a high risk potential premature death from heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke and some cancers.

Apart from the obvious areas of health issues, a major spectre is the possibility of poor sexual health in both men and women, due to obesity.

Individuals are considered obese when they weigh more than 20% above their ideal weight.

Obesity and male sexual health

Obese men tend to have lower than usual testosterone levels, which in turn has a negative effect on libido. Testosterone is the major male hormone which is responsible for the male characteristics, such as a deep voice, large muscles, and the development of the male sexual organs. Puberty is also sometimes delayed if a teenage boy is very obese.

Testosterone is responsible for the production of sperm, and low T caused by obesity, can result in infertility. Research has shown that a 4 inch increase in waist size, may raise the risk of low T in a man aged 30 years and older, by up to 75%.

A study conducted at an Australian university indicated that at least 1 in 7 obese men could benefit from testosterone replacement. They concluded that this rate is 4 times higher than in men of normal weight

Obesity and erectile dysfunction

Hormonal disorders and low T are some of the causes for erectile dysfunction. There are also medical reasons such as diabetes, heart problems, and high blood pressure, which have important roles.

Obesity raises the risk of ALL those problems, and therefore if you develop any of the issues, you are vulnerable to the chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction. Studies have also linked abdominal obesity to erectile dysfunction, especially prevalent in older men. They suggest that a large amount of belly fat can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction by up to 90%.

If you are not getting your share in the bedroom, it can be directly linked to obesity and an unsatisfactory sexual performance.

Reproductive functions

Obesity has been definitely associated with a low sperm count and reduced sperm-motility. This has resulted in male infertility due to obesity, and put paid to many hopes of successful conception.

In addition, higher temperatures of the testes are linked to a low sperm count. Extra fat in the pubic region and inner thighs, results in high testes temperatures of over 35deg C. Research has shown that this may be sufficient to put a damper on sperm production. A low sperm count will make it very difficult for a couple to fall pregnant.

Obesity and the quality of sex life

When someone is morbidly obese, the sex life often suffers. Sexual desire, performance, and mostly enjoyment can hit the ground head first with major disappointment. In fact, some people just give up completely and totally avoid sex.

For the obese person, there is really no chance of a quality sex life.

Conquering obesity

The only way to win the battle of obesity is to take drastic steps to change your lifestyle and eating habits. If you have a lot of weight to lose, get a dietitian to help you with a healthy eating plan to lose the weight.

Make some permanent changes in your life, and don’t opt for fad diets that promise you the earth and deliver nothing. As soon as you go off the diet, you are likely to put it all back again.

Get rid of the fat and the flab, and as you drop the weight, your sexual encounters will also improve, and will soon be back to your old self.

We can help

There is no need for you to battle with libido or erectile dysfunction. Our natural herbal formulas are designed to enhance and improve your sexual function, and restore the enjoyment you should be getting from a sexual encounter. Our products are safe to use and have no side effects, nor do they need a doctor’s prescription.

Visit us at www.herbalremedies.co.za to view our exciting range of products and see how we can help you.

Tagged: Obesity