Keeping your sexuality intact as you age

It’s not true that sex has to expire as you get older. Sex can be a powerful emotional experience and great for improving health. It is not only for the young, and although sex over the age of 55 or 60 may present some challenges related to the aging process, these problems can be overcome.

Taking care of your overall health can also help you maintain an active sex life as you get older. The need for intimacy on a physical and emotional level is always there, no matter what your age. Studies have shown that there are real benefits if you can manage to keep your sex life alive.

The benefits of sex as you age:

  • Sex is a form of exercise, can burn calories, reduce anxiety, improve physical and mental health.
  • A good sex life can help to extend your lifespan, by helping to keep your cardiovascular system healthy.
  • Can help to maintain the closeness of your relationship with your partner, no matter how long you may have been together.
  • Sometimes intimacy with your loved one can present an opportunity to escape the realities of the world around you, and ease tension.

Some age-related changes in sexual health

Growing older will inevitably lead to body and hormonal changes - and sexual health may be compromised by hormonal, as well as other conditions.

Here are some of them:

  • In women, hormonal changes after menopause can lead to low estrogen levels which may cause the vagina to become narrower and less lubricated, making sex uncomfortable for both partners.
  • In men, getting older often presents an increased risk of erectile dysfunction, because of falling testosterone levels.
  • Health problems are more common as one ages, and some age-related conditions can also affect sexual satisfaction in both men and women. These include: arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, and stroke.

Most of these conditions, unless there are underlying medical issues, can be successfully treated and managed, to keep your sexuality alive for a long time to come.

Slowing down the aging process

Nobody can stop the aging process. There are however, many ways to preserve your sexual health as you get older:

  • Get regular medical check-ups, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and make some positive lifestyle changes.
  • Avoid situations that may cause stress and anxiety.
  • Get involved in social activities, and meet some new people as often as you can. This can help to keep you young at heart, and stay positive about dealing with aging issues.
  • Cultivate good lifestyle habits, improve your diet, lose some weight, cut down smoking, and reduce alcohol intake as well. Contrary to popular belief, alcohol is not an aphrodisiac – it is a depressive and can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Looking after your health

Looking after your general health should always include looking after your sexual health.

Here are some pointers:

  • No matter what your age, if you have a sexual problem that you are concerned about, pay a visit to the doctor to discuss the hassles.
  • Very often it can involve a hormonal problem for both men and women such as falling estrogen or testosterone levels. A simple blood test will indicate the status of your hormone health.
  • A visit to the doctor could also establish if there is an underlying health problem. Not all health problems are serious as it could be something quite simple like adjusting blood pressure medication.

There is no cut-off age to enjoy sex. Don’t assume that your sexual health disappears with age like mist in the wind. With the right attitude you can remain sexually active for a long while yet.

We can help!

If you are concerned about your libido as you are growing older, and feel you need to pump it up a little, we can help. Herbal Remedies International have taken some excellent herbal ingredients, and developed outstanding formulas to help combat issues of low libido. Our products are safe to take and do not need a doctor’s script. Visit us at to view our awesome range of products, and see how we can help you.