What exactly is male menopause?

Firstly, let’s just affirm that male menopause does not actually exist. A woman’s hormonal system shuts down fairly rapidly during menopause, especially after a certain age.

A man’s testosterone levels fall over a much longer period of time, leading to a gradual drop in libido and fertility. This is basically what is meant by the term male menopause – and medical science has determined that it is actually low testosterone or low T.

According to studies at the Mayo Clinic, a man’s testosterone levels peak in the late 20’s. After the age of about 35, the levels may decrease only around one or two percent per year.

The good news is that if there are no underlying medical hassles, by the age of 70, levels will have decreased to 50% of your peak, leaving you in a still-active sexual stage.

How will I know if my testosterone levels are dropping?

Here are some common symptoms which are sometimes known as male menopause, especially if a man is more than 50 or 60 years old:

  • Testosterone helps to regulate your mood. If you suddenly get the blues, your T levels may be dropping.
  • If you have low T you may battle to find the energy to participate in your normal activities, let alone sex!
  • If you have sleep problems such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, reduced testosterone may make matters worse. Studies have shown that lack of sleep is known to contribute to low libido.
  • If you are obese, research has indicated that there are certain enzymes in fat tissue that convert testosterone into estrogen. Too much fat means less testosterone, and a possible overload of estrogen, which can negatively affect the libido.
  • Perhaps the most concerning aspect of low T is the danger of erectile dysfunction, and low libido, combined with a general lack of interest in sex.

If you have some of these symptoms, check with your doctor to see if there may be a medical reason. If not, make peace with the fact that it could be the beginning of low T, or what is erroneously known as male menopause.

Some natural options to help boost testosterone

If there are no underlying medical reasons, the low T problem may be a normal loss due to ageing.

Here are some natural options to help remedy the situation:

  • A healthy diet is important. Reduce your intake of refined foods, sugar, animal fats, and make an effort to lose weight – especially around the middle.
  • Give up smoking, as tobacco products constrict blood vessels and reduce blood to the genital area, where a healthy blood flow is necessary for a strong erection.
  • Make exercise part of your daily life. Studies have shown that regular exercise can play a major role in boosting testosterone and reducing the symptoms of low T.
  • Antidepressant meds also contain ingredients that impact negatively on T levels and will have a dire effect on your sexual desire and libido. Find about the possibility of a lower dosage, or change brands.

If you are over 50 and feel you may have signs of what is construed as male menopause, the bottom line is to opt for a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, and get some exercise to help raise testosterone levels.

Should you be taking antidepressant drugs, speak to your doctor about your libido problems, and ask him to change your meds to something with fewer side effects.

We can help

If you need help with erectile dysfunction, impotence, or a low sex drive, we can help. Herbal Remedies International have used the most potent natural herbal ingredients to develop powerful formulas to combat low libido problems.

Our products are all-natural, contain no harmful substances, and do not need a doctor’s prescription.

Visit us at www.herbalremedies.co.za to see the amazing full range of products and issues we cover.