Do you often try and avoid sex?

The sex impulse is usually spontaneous, responsive, a source of comfort, excitement, motivation, and an expression of love. This should be true for everyone, but unfortunately a fear of failure is something that holds many people back from initiating or enjoying sex.

Failing is not actually the problem which may hold you back, but rather a paralysing fear that a previous failure may be repeated. Nobody likes to fail, but for some folk, it is a threat to their motivation of trying to do better next time.

Fears of sex are most times not visible, but are rooted in the subconscious, and are not often understood by those who are beset by fears.

The thing to note that if you avoid sex, it does not necessarily mean that you have a low libido, or a lack sexual desire.

Some common fears that could prevent you from enjoying sex.

Here are some common fears that may be holding you back from sexual encounters.

  • A fear of a repeated loss of performance. This may have only happened once, but has psychologically persuaded you that it could happen again.
  • A fear of being unable to fully satisfy your partner. This may be because you are still inexperienced when it comes to sexual activities, and may have had some mediocre experiences in the past which still haunt you.
  • Some folk are afraid of intimacy in a relationship, and are unable to cope with the emotional intimacy which comes with a physical relationship. They often fear being responsible for the emotional stability of another person, and will try to avoid physical intimacy.
  • Social disapproval is another very real fear. People often say that they don’t care what others think, but many to be very concerned whether the partners they choose are socially acceptable in their particular circles. This could also put a damper on intimate sexual relations.
  • There may also be a pathological, psychological fear of disappointing a partner, which puts pressure on you to be the best, most amazing sexual partner on earth, and neglect your own needs. The pressure will most likely stress you out to such a degree that the very idea of sex will be an absolute turn-off!

Fortunately there is a lot of help out there which can help you deal with irrational fears, and get your sex life back on track.

How to deal with the fear of failure

Most times, a fear of failure is simply your imagination running wild. Let’s face it, the imagination scenario, is always the worst that can happen. Imagination does not make the fears less real, because most times they are imbedded in the subconscious, and impact seriously on your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Make an appointment with a good therapist who can help you change your mindset from negative to positive, and teach you how to deal with any fears you have about your sex life.

We can help

If your sexuality needs a boost because of any performance fears you may be entertaining, we can help restore your confidence.

Herbal Remedies International have taken some of the most potent natural herbal ingredients, and developed a formula which has been scientifically proven to enhance the sexual performance and libido of both men and women.

Our products are safe to take, and do not require a doctor’s prescription.

For information on our exceptional range of products, visit and see how we can help you.