Factors affecting Sex Drive

A person’s sex drive, also called libido, is their overall sexual drive and desire for sexual activity. The level of sex drive that a man or woman experiences is affected by many factors. These include levels of hormones such as testosterone and oestrogen, side effects of medicines such as anti-depressants and birth control pills and also emotional, psychological and relationship factors.

Factors that affect women specifically are hormonal changes that occur after pregnancy, following monthly menstruation, with menopause and also as the result of the stress of balancing work and household demands. These factors lead to two very commonly reported problems. Vaginal dryness, caused by a failure to lubricate and also the inability to achieve orgasm.

These two factors lead women to not only have a lower sex drive but also to avoid sex entirely as intercourse without sufficient natural lubrication is often painful and the application of lubricating products often destroys the spontaneity of the occasion. Failure to achieve orgasm is also extremely frustrating and can lead to relationship problems as sexual partners often blame themselves or each other without understanding the underlying causes.

In the case of menopausal changes many women discontinue having sex even though with the correct treatment they can enjoy many years of a healthy and satisfying sex life.

Treatments for low sex drive

There are basically two choices when it comes to treatment – prescription drugs or herbal treatments. Prescription drugs and Hormonal Replacement therapy have been found to be both the most expensive and the most dangerous of the two. In 1991 The National Institute of Health (NIH) launched the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). This was the largest clinical trial ever undertaken in the United States. Its’ purpose was to scientifically study the benefits of HRT for menopausal symptoms.

The study was cancelled in July 2002 after it was discovered that synthetic hormones increase risks of ovarian and breast cancer, heart disease, blood clots, and strokes.

Treatments for low Sex Drive

Herbal remedies by contrast are completely safe and far more affordable. Herbal Remedies International, leaders in the field of herbal libido enhancers, have developed two excellent products specifically designed to help women overcome problems associated with hormonal imbalances, symptoms related to menopause and general low libido.

For immediate results they recommend using Virekta(F) Super Active. Taken about an hour before sexual activity this will increase libido, improve natural lubrication and enable you to have stronger and multiple orgasms. For a longer term solution Virekta (F) taken daily will increase your libido and improve your general sexual wellbeing.

Put the passion back into your intimate encounters and say goodbye to the discomfort and embarrassment of low libido and associated problems with a tried and tested herbal solution.

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