What is the Moringa plant?

The Moringa plant has gained a reputation as a wonder plant over ages. Some have referred to it as a ‘superfood’, giving it a special status for its multiple uses. Most of the plant scan be consumed by humans and animals. From a nutritional point of view, it’s been said that Moringa contains seven times the vitamin C found in oranges, four times the calcium of milk, four times the vitamin A of carrots, three times the potassium of bananas and three times the iron of spinach. Its tiny leaves are also high in protein, with twice the amount found in yoghurt. Many health benefits have been attributed to this plant and the following are some examples:

  • Increase in energy
  • Better working digestion
  • Sharpened mental abilities and concentration
  • Better sleep
  • Regulated cholesterol levels
  • Enhanced overall health and nutrition

The Moringa plant, native to Africa and Asia has also been used as a natural remedy to increase male and female libido. Over eons it has been used to treat sexual dysfunction and boost sex drive. The portions of the plant that contain the magic ingredients to overcome sexual dysfunction and increase sex drive are the tender stem and seeds. In a time when there are so many chemical solutions to health problems (including those related to sexual health), the Moringa is a natural solution for sexual problems.

For more information on safe, natural solutions to increase libido and combat problems of a sexual nature, an impressive product range from Herbal Remedies offers solutions for men and women alike.

  • Virekta Enhance is a product in the Herbal Remedies range that provides the solution to impotence.
  • Virekta Plus is a clinically proven solution for men to get back that hunger and desire for a healthy sex life.
  • Virekta (F) Female Libido Enhancer is a powerful yet safe herbal boost for ladies looking to get their sex life back.
  • Virekta Super Active is a male libido booster that works quickly, with long lasting results.

Nature has always provided us with solutions to the needs of everyday life. Solutions for our health are no exception. Men and women can regain their sex life and confidence through products that are natural, tested and effective.

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