Hypnotherapy can help prevent premature ejaculation from ruining your sex life

10th Jul 2019| by Colin Katz
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What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation, commonly known as PE, occurs when a man does not have sufficient control over ejaculation, and as a result he and his partner are not sexually satisfied. PE can happen with very little stimulation, either before, or just after sexual penetration.

The problem is more common than most people realise, and has most likely affected most men at some point in their lives.

Premature ejaculation can cause distress, and psychological problems like performance anxiety, low self-esteem, and lack of self-confidence.

Why does PE happen?

In the past, doctors once believed that it was entirely a psychological problem, but further research has revealed that it is possibly a combination of physical and psychological factors.

Physical issues can include:

  • Abnormal hormone levels such as low testosterone which affect libido, may also be linked to premature ejaculation.
  • Sometimes a malfunction of brain neuro transmitters which carry messages to different parts of the body, may not be communicating well with the ejaculatory process.
  • Studies have indicated some men who suffer from an overactive thyroid experience PE.
  • Inflammation or an infection of the prostate gland, which if not treated, may lead to a serious case of PE.

Psychological factors may include:

  • Lack of self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • A fear of forming intimate relationships if the problem is not under control.
  • If the issue has arisen before and led to disappointment, an extreme fear of performance anxiety, may occur.
  • This means that if you suffer from PE which has happened in the past, it is logical to assume that every time you think about sex, you will think about PE. Avoiding any sexual encounter will become paramount in your mind.

Medical science has been unable to pinpoint the exact cause of PE, but more and more studies are pointing to the fact that unless there is a medical problem, psychological issues relating to a cycle of fear and performance anxiety could play a major role.

Experts now agree that hypnotherapy can help to get to the root of the problem.

How hypnosis can help you deal with PE

Hypnotherapy works by accessing the subconscious mind, which can provide the key to the PE problem, and help you learn to control the upsetting issue. Here are some of the ways hypnotherapy can help you combat premature ejaculation.

  • Performance anxiety is part of the cycle of premature ejaculation. Anxiety about a previous episode of PE leads to fears of a repeated failure during sex. Hypnotherapy can help deal with the guilt and anxiety by making positive suggestions to the unconscious mind to eliminate negative memories.
  • You will learn that PE carries no shame, and nor is it a negative reflection of your manhood, and so help to restore your self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Over the years, you might have learned some habits as a result of cultural or religious beliefs, which may have caused guilt during sexual encounters, and made you rush to finish. Hypnotherapy can help you eliminate the beliefs which could have held you captive, and reverse, as well as release the old “hurry up” subconscious pattern of behaviour.
  • This mindset will be replaced with being relaxed about when you climax, and have the confidence to fully enjoy leisurely sex.

Premature ejaculation is indeed a distressing issue which does not always respond to the recommended medications such as Paxil or Prozac. These are antidepressant drugs which have a slowing-down effect on the body, and potentially the ejaculation process. But they may also have a negative effect on libido.

The tools to do the job

Hypnotherapists have specially designed programs to suit your individual needs. The subconscious mind and your imagination will be specifically trained to enable you guide and direct future behaviour patterns in a confident way.

Premature ejaculation is a treatable condition, and you have every chance of bringing your sexuality back to normal with a new, positive mindset.

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