Dutch courage is short-lived at the best of times!

A couple of drinks will transform someone with bedroom-jitters into a confident lover in the bedroom. The danger is that as time goes by, you may need more than just a couple of cocktails to keep the good times rolling.

Alcohol is a depressant, and heavy use can lead to a lack of sexual desire in both men and women. It may also be difficult for a man to achieve and maintain an erection, and both men and women could have difficulty reaching a climax.

Studies have shown that it is not only the drinks of the moment that count, as the liver can only metabolise one standard-sized drink per hour. Drinking more than that means toxins build up in the body, negatively affecting your organs, including those involved in sexual activity.

Some ways alcohol can shatter your sex life

Many people are of the opinion that alcohol is an aphrodisiac, but they couldn’t be more wrong. It is a major depressant, and the more you drink, the more your sex life will suffer.

How heavy drinking can harm your sexuality:

  • Studies at the University of Washington reported that temporary erectile dysfunction is very likely, as too much alcohol affects the brain responses in general, including those to the penis.
  • Pre-sex drinking decreases blood flow to the genitals, and you may not experience the same enjoyment from a climax as you usually do.
  • The risk for long-term ED has been linked to chronic heavy use of alcohol. Other issues include premature ejaculation, and a loss of sexual desire.
  • A woman may also experience reduced lubrication, which could make sex painful.
  • Someone who smokes while drinking is at even a higher risk of developing ED problems. This also applies to younger men under the age 40 who drink and smoke excessively.
  • Heavy alcohol use can affect the fertility of both men and women. In men, because of reduced blood flow to the genitals, sperm quality may be compromised. Women may be prone to menstrual and fertility problems, and take longer to fall pregnant.
  • When combining sex with alcohol, and unplanned sexual encounters take place, usually in the form of unprotected sex, it puts you automatically at a high risk of picking up a sexually transmitted disease – one hundred percent due to alcohol-induced carelessness.

Those are just some of the negative effects alcohol can have on your sex life.

Cutting down on alcohol intake

If you are worried about not allowing booze to get between you and a successful sex life, then cutting down on the amount of alcohol you drink, should be the first step to help get the spark of love back into the bedroom.

Here are some tips to help you cut down:

  • When next you plan a romantic night, make sure there is only a glass or two of wine on offer, and no heavy pre-sex drinking takes place.
  • If you are in a relationship and you both drink, suggest to your partner it will be a good idea if you both cut down for the sake of good health.
  • To keep your sex life a success, experts agree that 12 to 14 drinks for men and women in a 7 day period, is reasonable. That works out to about 2 drinks a day, which the liver can easily metabolise, and not allow toxins to stay in the blood stream.
  • If possible, record your weekly drinks to see just how much alcohol you are taking in. You can also, just for good measure, monitor your sexual performance.

Another bonus is that if you are drinking less, you will be spending less – alcohol is very expensive, and you may be surprised at how much you save.

We can help!

Even though you may be trying to cut back on alcohol use, your sex life and libido might still be in the doldrums. We can help boost your efforts.

Herbal Remedies International have taken some of the most potent natural herbs and developed excellent formulas which combat the effects of low libido in both men and women. Our products are safe to take and do not need a doctor’s prescription.

Visit us at www.herbalremedies.co.za and see how we can help you get your sex life back on track.

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