Weight and sexual performance

When someone is extremely overweight, the sex life often suffers. Sexual desire, performance, enjoyment, and self-esteem can take a nosedive. Many folk feel so bad about it that some try and avoid sex altogether.

There are several ways an increase in weight can lead to negative changes in the bedroom. The changes however, while affecting both men and women, are difference for each sex.

Men. As far as men go, experts at the Obesity Action Coalition maintain that sexual dysfunction is a side effect of obesity. Many obese men may suffer from erectile dysfunction due to carrying too much weight. As a result these men may be subject to anxiety and depression because of the poor sexual performance.

There is also an issue known as “buried penis syndrome” a condition where the penis is buried beneath several folds of skin. This condition can do damage to self-esteem, and be somewhat awkward during a sexual encounter.

Women. Research studies have indicated that overweight women are more likely to suffer from sexual problems than those of normal weight. It may be related to a poor body image, and a lack of self-confidence, which prevents a proper response to feelings of arousal. Obesity may also result in a lack of good blood flow to the genital area, which is essential for libido and sexual satisfaction.

Studies have also shown that very obese people are up to 25 times more likely to report sexual problems than people of normal weight. The big difference between the two groups regarding sexual hassles, gives credence to the fact that obesity and sex really do not mix well.

Obesity and the quality of sexual encounters

The Obesity Action Coalition in the US conducted several studies which revealed that when it comes to sex, obesity is not only a physical issue, but also a psychological issue involving body image and performance anxiety.

Here are some of the ways the quality of sexual encounters of overweight people can be compromised.

  • Enjoyment is mostly seriously impaired. A survey showed that obese people experienced about 10 times less pleasure than those of normal weight.
  • Up to 40% of people interviewed reported low libido problems, performance issues, and significant problems with sexual dysfunction.
  • Many overweight folk are often reluctant to speak to the doctor about sexual problems. Experts agree that if doctors showed more of an open mind about sexual issues and obesity, more patients might be inclined to discuss their difficulties, and potentially get the help and advice they need.

People who are struggling with their weight are actually entitled to have the same quality of life as anyone else. You do not have to feel bad about yourself or circumstances, or even hate your body weight, to work on it to improve matters. Get help if you feel you should.

You are not alone

Millions of people worldwide are plagued by overweight and obesity. Unfortunately many folk have themselves to blame due to poor lifestyle habits, a poor diet, overeating, and a lack of exercise. Others may have adverse medical conditions.

Obesity has now been recognised by health authorities as a lifestyle issue. This means that it is a problem which can be put right.

We can help

Sexual satisfaction is a basic human need, and we can help you to achieve this goal.

Herbal Remedies International have taken some the most potent herbal ingredients and developed formulas to enhance the sexual experience of both men and women. We also have a powerful formula to combat low libido and help with erectile dysfunction.

Our products are safe to take and do not need a doctor’s prescription.

Visit us at www.herbalremedies.co.za to view our extensive range of products – and see how we can help you.